After the former Delta State record-setting running back went undrafted in the 2011 NFL Draft, he has waited patiently for the NFL Lockout to end to hopefully sign a free agent contract. The Phoenix, Ariz. native, who became the only player in Gulf South Conference history to rush and receiver for over 2,000 yards, recently caught up with Sports Editor Kenneth Mister.
What have you been doing since leaving DSU?
I've just been working out everyday, Monday through Friday and sometime on Sunday — back home in Arizona.
Do you still hope to sign a free agent deal?
Yeah, I think I have a chance. The teams I’ve talked told me they want to wake till the lockout is over (to discuss anything).
Is it frustrating?
Super frustrating. Because I have my life on hold to to see what's going to happen.
If not, what about CFL or Arena League?
Naw, I'm staying with my dream to play in the NFL. That's my dream and I'm sticking with it. If I fail, i have to open my door to other options.
What’s your prediction for the Statesmen this season without you, ‘Scooter’ Williams and L.J. Castile?
I think they'll still do good, because coach (Ron) Roberts is a good head coach and he's going to find the players to fill our shoes. That's no doubt. My first year at Delta State in 2007, they had the best defense in the nation and they lost them all, but they bounced right back. He recruited his butt off like a good coach does. So, I think he’s going to find some key players to fill those positions. They have a lot of kids that were younger than us so I think they’ll be more hungrier this year.
What have you been doing to prepare yourself when the Lockout is over?
I’ve been working on my cardio a whole lot. I trimmed up nice. I’m weighing about 210 right now. I think I look pretty good. Been doing a lot of aerobic workouts (and) getting my resistance right. Because I don’t know what I’m going to go in there and play. I’ve heard from a couple teams that don’t know what they’re going to put me as — a slot receiver or as a running back.
What are your plans if football doesn’t work out?
I’ll just finish off my degree in physical education and business and just see where it takes me. I think I’ve got a couple more years in me, for instance, if I don’t get picked up this year. If it doesn’t go like I hoped it would go, I’d just finish off my degree and relax.
Any plans on coming back?
I got to come back to visit coach Roberts, a couple players, a couple friends. I’m coming back in December to watch my boy, Rafael Mitchell, graduate. That’s my best friend and I’m the Godfather of his daughter. So I’m going to come back and watch him graduate, walk the stage.
If you could do it over would you still attend DSU?
I really would. No matter what. It’s a little town and I’m from a big city, but I had a lot of fun being out there, like learning how to hunt. Just the country-ness, I like it.
Where do you rank amongst the best to come out of DSU?
I can’t really say where I’m ranked, but I’m up there with those guys, because it’s been some good athletes to come through there. Michael Eubanks, that’s one that comes to mind. I think I’m up there with them, but it’s been some good boys to come through there.
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